Sunday 5 January 2014


We had a chance to experience a wide range of weather in Taber.  From arriving in a snowstorm amid frigid temperatures to being blown away by warm chinook winds...we spent most of our time indoors.  However, we did take every opportunity (as few as they were) to get out on the gulley.  

Can we go outside yet??
(note: that buffalo is not real...otherwise we would NEVER have gone outside)
Enjoying a crisp, clear day
Me and my
Daddy and me on the Gulley
Gramma joined us too!  (Her knee is healing really well)
I should put some of these rocks in my pocket so I don't blow away!
C'mon Sam...let's go see what's over there...
Me and Papa exploring
Hanging out with the boys
All this fresh air has made me hungry....for one of Gramma's cookies!

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