Sunday 5 January 2014

In the Kitchen

It is no secret...spending the holidays at Gramma's house mean you will be well fed!  This is a time when Gramma makes all the traditional (aka totally bad for you and completely delicious) goodies.  She even let Troy and Simon "help" her!

Troy called Gramma's pantry "RITZ" it housed his favorite snack

Stretching the Retach dough (Retach is a Hungarian strudel)
More stretching
Putting on the potatoes (or TOPE as Troy calls them)
Adding the bacon

and then rollllllllling it up
Troy was on clean-up duty
Buttering the pan
Time for a taste-test!
Is this enough cinnamon on the apple pie, Gramma?
I'll taste it to make sure is perfect!
Tasting noodles with Papa
Cutting the noodles for soup
Oh Gingerbread man...I cannot save you...for you are too yummy
Yup...definitely yummy
Hmmmm....I might just need stretchier pants....

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