Sunday 5 January 2014

Holly Jolly Christmas

We're back!!  We had so much fun celebrating the holiday season with family in Alberta.  I will let the photos tell the story :)  I had to split up the photos into several better get yourself some snacks and settle in!

Making myself comfortable at Gramma and Papa's house
Playing Machacek-opoly (I was in charge of all the spare game pieces...
it was a really important least Gramma said so)
Wheeeeee....higher Papa, higher....
What are you making Auntie C?
Gingerbread...of course!
Pleased with our Gingerbread creation
Gingerbread-a-palooza 2013
Candy close-up
Checking out all the birds on Gramma's tree

Gramma sewed Jude and me matching Christmas pajamas
Santa was here!!!!!!!!!!
Are those presents for me??
Daddy helped me unwrap the gifties 
I started to really get the hang of opening presents
Ooooooh...lemme see, lemme see
Another one? I must have  been a good boy!
Look at all these latches Daddy
Hmmmm....wonder what is in there?
Is it a toy??
A new laptop...yay! (I wore out my other one)
I am going to send Santa an email to thank him for all my presents.

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