Monday 13 January 2014


This is what happens when you hurry.  This morning Troy and I quickly shopped for groceries so that we could make it in time for playgroup.  We stopped at home to put away the perishables...I didn't even bother to take Troy's shoes and coat off so that we could leave as soon as possible.  So, after giving Troy a quick snack while I packed a few things away...we were off (or so I thought!).  As I was getting my own jacket on...Troy was rushing to "see the kids" and fell (probably due to his shoes) right into the corner of the doorway (OUCH).  A huge bump grew out of his head right before my eyes!  I immediately called Auntie A (she has two boys) and she assured me that the bump (while it looks huge now) will look much better by the time Daddy gets home tonight (phew).  I think Troy was more upset by not getting to see the kids than the goose-egg forming on his head...I took that as a good sign :)

I'm blaming the shoes
Is it still growing, Mommy?
Oooooh...does it make me look tough?
Whadda ya mean we don't get to see the kids??

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