Sunday 5 January 2014

Indoor Pursuits

As mentioned, the weather did not always allow for outside time.  But that didn't mean we didn't get lots of playtime!  There was always something to do or someone to play with.  Troy's vocabulary really grew over the holidays.  He chattered all day long.  He even woke up talking (usually asking for Gramma and Papa...his favorite playmates!).  He also surprised us one afternoon when he was stacking his blocks and counted from 1 - 9.!  

Crafting with Gramma
Colouring our caterpillar
Daddy built me a robot.  This robot has been in Mommy's family for over 20 years...
and every grandchild has enjoyed (or been terrified of) it.  So, this year it was my turn.
I wasn't scared...I liked it!
Colouring with Gramma
Making myself at home
"Gruff-ing" with Gramma before bedtime

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