Sunday 5 January 2014

Boys and Toys

Troy really enjoys playing with other kids.  Over the holidays, he had a chance to meet Nico (who is seven months older than him) and play with Nico's awesome toys!

Yeah, I'll play in a minute...I just need to fuel up first
Your mom makes delicious cookies!
Give it a good whack...that ought to fix it!
Ring around the Rosie...
Can't catch me
Of course there were cute girls there too!
This is Nico's little sister, Summer, with her Gramma, Steph (I know...she looks young enough to be her mother!!)
Nico's dad, Nicholas, gave us a ride on his quad!
Quit fussing Mommy
Fireside chat
Who brought marshmallows?
Playing trains with Nico
C'mon let's go outside!

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