Tuesday 28 January 2014


It rained last night, which meant that Troy had to wear his muddy buddy on our morning outing...and there was indeed mud to be found!  When he is wearing his suit I don't mind that he rolls in the wet grass (usually struggling to get up after falling down) or splashes in puddles - or even when he plays in the mud.  However...when he starts to eat the mud - it's game over!

Don't worry mommy - it's organic! 
It's not chocolate, is it?
Mud puppy

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Feeling Springy

The weather is getting warmer and Spring feels right around the corner.  Troy continues to explore every rock, stick and pinecone in the yard.  The daffodils and tulips are poking out of the ground...and will hopefully survive Troy?!

Stick boy
Uncle Richard keeping an eye on me
Digging in Richard's daffodils
I don't think I can get up in these boots?

Monday 13 January 2014


This is what happens when you hurry.  This morning Troy and I quickly shopped for groceries so that we could make it in time for playgroup.  We stopped at home to put away the perishables...I didn't even bother to take Troy's shoes and coat off so that we could leave as soon as possible.  So, after giving Troy a quick snack while I packed a few things away...we were off (or so I thought!).  As I was getting my own jacket on...Troy was rushing to "see the kids" and fell (probably due to his shoes) right into the corner of the doorway (OUCH).  A huge bump grew out of his head right before my eyes!  I immediately called Auntie A (she has two boys) and she assured me that the bump (while it looks huge now) will look much better by the time Daddy gets home tonight (phew).  I think Troy was more upset by not getting to see the kids than the goose-egg forming on his head...I took that as a good sign :)

I'm blaming the shoes
Is it still growing, Mommy?
Oooooh...does it make me look tough?
Whadda ya mean we don't get to see the kids??

Thursday 9 January 2014

Tree Hugger

As mentioned before, Troy's favorite spot in the backyard is under the large willow tree.  Today he was so happy to see that tree he even hugged it!

I love you Mr. Willow Tree

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Nap Time Crafting

Note: I had to save this post until after Christmas (otherwise it would have spoiled my Christmas exchange present).

I have started to do some crafting during Troy's nap time.  I don't always get to finish the projects (or complete them in a way I had imagined) but I am enjoying the process...and the creative time!  I was inspired by some wood burning projects I had seen and decided to give it a try.  It was surprisingly fun (and I only burnt myself once).  I started with the snowflake ornaments (or gift tags) and then decided to "embellish" my family gift exchange present.  Here are the final products:

Snowflake Ornaments and/or  Gift Tags
True to snowflake form...no two are alike :)
"Embellished" chopping board and utensils 
Next time I would choose "less knotty" wood
Utensil set
Handle detail

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Big Boy Haircut

Today Auntie Aysha gave Troy a big-boy haircut...using the "buzzer".  Troy was less-than-happy about the whole experience - not even marshmallows could distract him!  However, Auntie persevered and together we managed to make it look better than it did before (which is all we were aiming for after Troy showed his dismay).  Thank you so much Auntie A for the handsome haircut.

My personal hairdresser, Auntie Aysha - she even makes house calls! 
Getting clipped
The "after" shot
This calls for a Ritz!!
Now we just need to trim the bangs....LATER

Sunday 5 January 2014

Boys and Toys

Troy really enjoys playing with other kids.  Over the holidays, he had a chance to meet Nico (who is seven months older than him) and play with Nico's awesome toys!

Yeah, I'll play in a minute...I just need to fuel up first
Your mom makes delicious cookies!
Give it a good whack...that ought to fix it!
Ring around the Rosie...
Can't catch me
Of course there were cute girls there too!
This is Nico's little sister, Summer, with her Gramma, Steph (I know...she looks young enough to be her mother!!)
Nico's dad, Nicholas, gave us a ride on his quad!
Quit fussing Mommy
Fireside chat
Who brought marshmallows?
Playing trains with Nico
C'mon let's go outside!

In the Kitchen

It is no secret...spending the holidays at Gramma's house mean you will be well fed!  This is a time when Gramma makes all the traditional (aka totally bad for you and completely delicious) goodies.  She even let Troy and Simon "help" her!

Troy called Gramma's pantry "RITZ"...as it housed his favorite snack

Stretching the Retach dough (Retach is a Hungarian strudel)
More stretching
Putting on the potatoes (or TOPE as Troy calls them)
Adding the bacon

and then rollllllllling it up
Troy was on clean-up duty
Buttering the pan
Time for a taste-test!
Is this enough cinnamon on the apple pie, Gramma?
I'll taste it to make sure
Gramma...it is perfect!
Tasting noodles with Papa
Cutting the noodles for soup
Oh Gingerbread man...I cannot save you...for you are too yummy
Yup...definitely yummy
Hmmmm....I might just need stretchier pants....