Saturday 1 June 2013

The Countdown to Cake

For those of you have have faithfully followed Troy's blog you will remember...back...six months ago, when I attempted to make Troy's "half-birthday" cake.  I promised myself I had six more months to get it together for his First-Birthday cake.  Well, as luck would have it my fairy godmother(s) aka Gramma Annie and Auntie C have bailed me out (AGAIN!).  

Turns out that Daddy is flying to Ontario for his brother's wedding next week, so Troy and I decided we would fly to Alberta to celebrate his birthday.  Sadly, I just don't have room for the cake AND a car seat, nursing pillow, diaper bag, plethora of distraction toys, probably way too much luggage and a soon-to-be-one-year-old :)  So, Gramma Annie to the rescue!

I had decided (see I did some work!) that I was going to theme Troy's party around my own First Birthday.  Gramma Annie made the cutest - and largest - giraffe cakes (see pic below).  Insert extra mommy guilt here...because she managed to make TWO gigantic giraffe cakes with FOUR toddlers in the house.  (There isn't enough buttercream in the world to get me through that!)

I'm looking forward to re-creating the photo with Troy.  Complete with sticky-up faux-hawk!  But, I promised Auntie C that I wouldn't put him in a dress.

Speaking of Auntie C.  Other than being the bestest co-birthday girl...she is THE most talented designer.  She has already made Troy "designer" birthday gear and decorations.  I am giving you a sneak peek below.  Troy owes her a LOT of cuddles (because she just doesn't take my cuddles as payment)

Can't wait to CELEBRATE!!

Mommy on the left...Auntie C on the right (with the sticky fingers!)

Hard to believe it's only a 9" square cake
(Yes, this is actually from the 43-year-old recipe book that my mom saved)

Jerry all decked out
the "mod" Giraffe

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