Sunday 16 June 2013

Father's Day Feat

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!

A few weeks ago, I decided that Troy and I would "make" something special for Daddy.  We decided on a footprint plaque.  First, we made the salty dough.  Then (after a good nap) Troy "stepped up" and made footprints in the dough.  After a few tries - and Mommy patiently (sort of) re-rolling the dough - we got it perfect (enough)!  Then it was in the oven to dry....for 6 hours.  Good thing we started this early enough in the day before Daddy came home.

The next day it was time to paint!  Mommy gave me a BIG paint brush.  However, after watching me wield it like a light-sabre, she decided that I had "helped" enough :)

Hmmm...what is this instrument?
You want me to paint it? 
Like this?
Don't I get any of that messy paint stuff?
On guard, Mommy! 
 See how fast I could paint?
Yeah, I think you should do the painting Mommy
Touching my toes

"Troy has a certain way of growing bigger every day...but these little feet and his special smile will stay in our hearts a long, long while."
Daddy reading his card (can't wait for him to open his present!)

FINALLY...he's opened it!
I think he likes it!! (now can I have the box to play with?)

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