Thursday 25 June 2015

More Camping!

We just spent three days camping at Beaver Flat by the Elbow River in Kananaskis.  We had so much fun...and took a lot of photos :)

Campsite all set up...and out come the bubbles!
Troy had to catch each and every one!
Daddy cooking up some spaghetti for supper
Troy "wearing" the day all over his face 
Reading his favorite book
the view from our campsite
Making mud pies with Daddy
First, you scoop up the mud
Then you pat it all down
Then your hands get dirty
Then you go wash them off with Daddy in the river
Wash, wash, wash
Then you go get dirty again!
The beautiful Elbow River
All done with mud pie making
Tubby Time!!
Is that marshmallow for me??
Yummmmm....I can hardly wait!!!
Camping is fun!
Some bed time reading
Daddy had to join in the fun :)
The weather was sunny and hot (most of the time)...except for a couple hours of this...

The rain can't stop me!
Except for a pee break :)

Throwing rocks...such boys!
Hmmm...wonder if the river is still cold?
Oh's cold !!!
But, that's not going to stop me
See, it's not so bad?
I could wade in it all day
Well....maybe not
Mommy collecting more rocks
Making sand castles with Mommy
Reading with Daddy
The view from our camper
We had a river front site
Waking up to another beautiful sunny day
Going for a bike ride
Are you coming??
Follow me!

Here is Troy attempting some "off-road" biking

Back to the river
Enjoying the riverside
Troy staking his claim
Do you want fries with that???
(Troy loved to play restaurant with the slider on the screen door )
Checking out the beaver flat trail
So peaceful
Beaver heaven
I could listen to this all day

Beavers...where are you???
Throwing more rocks!
Lil' hiker
Pew, pew, pew...
Hittin' the trail
All tuckered out

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