Saturday 27 June 2015

Bailey Graduates!

We helped Bailey celebrate her graduation yesterday...along with lots of family :)

Troy was quick to find the balloons
Enjoying the breeze on the deck (it was another warm day!)
Bailey popping a ceremonious cork! 
Ready, aim... 
Troy and Dean teamed up for croquet
A little more to the left, Dean 
High-five!!  We came in third (out of three teams :)

Gramma, I like your necklace 
Bailey opening her gifts
Gramma made her a beautiful handmade quilt 
And a "memory" recipe book 
I love this photo of Bailey
Troy enjoyed the wrap 
Troy made Bailey a special colouring
Oh my gosh...I did a great job, didn't I?
Another favorite photo 
Troy "helping" Bailey read the card
Bailey with Gramma and Papa
Congratulations Bailey...we are all so proud of you!!!

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