Monday 9 September 2013

Weekend Warriors

Our friends, Janice and Scott, have been inviting us to their "place at the lake" all summer.  Finally, this past weekend we made it work...and the weather was superb! (even though we thought last weekend was going to be our last of the summer).  It was perfect for Daddy and Scott to go riding and for Mommy and Janice (and me) to play at the beach.  Then, we all went on their boat for more fun!!

Daddy, is that you?
Daddy and Scott ready to ride
Enjoying some pebble time before hitting the beach
Daddy, are we going out for a boat ride?
Yup...and Mommy is coming too
Mommy and Janice enjoying a tube ride on the lake
and then...WHOA...the boat picked up speed
but they still enjoyed it...even MORE
Scott and Me at the helm
Hey Scott...what does this button do??
I know...I look really fierce in my dirty pirate shirt, don't I?
Okay, I am more of a "Gilligan"
I see land...over yonder, matey!

Taking a dip to cool off

Daddy enjoying the ride (I lent him my sippy cup)
"Auntie" Janice reading to me
Passed out five minutes into the drive home

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