Tuesday 3 September 2013

Beach Bum

Troy found out that the ocean was just as much fun as the beach.  We didn't expect that he would find the water warm enough to go in...so we didn't put on his swimsuit before heading to the beach - therefore, he ended up wearing his birthday suit!  He didn't seem to mind at all.

Au naturel
Splish, splash
Sand and surf
Checking the tide
Back on land 
Strolling here.... 
and there....
and everywhere!
Trying to even out my "stroller tan" 
The beginnings of a sandcastle 
What? you want to take me swimming in the ocean, Daddy?

This is like a big tubby
I'm swimming!!
Daddy makes a good raft
This is a BIG bathtub
Daddy, you are so much fun! 
Mommy, are you looking at my bum?
Lift me up Daddy
Yeah like that!
I'm high in the sky!
That was super fun
and salty!
Drying off
Boys of Summer
Strolling the beach on our last morning
Mommy and me walking the boardwalk
in my pajamas!
Daddy, can we go camping again soon?

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