Tuesday 10 September 2013

Getting Pretty for Auntie Carol

This morning we had an email from Auntie Carol that she was coming to visit us today!  So, I was telling Troy that we had to "get pretty" for her visit.  While I was getting ready in the bathroom...I look out and Troy is in front of the mirror trying to put on my hairband.  I guess he figured he needed to get pretty too!  Needless to say he forgot about the hairband by the time Auntie Carol arrived...and there was a wardrobe change (due to an unfortunate sippy cup incident)...but, visiting with Auntie made us feel very pretty.  Thanks for stopping by for cuddles!!  

I think I need to accessorize this outfit
I would have made a cute girl, eh Gramma?
Auntie...you found my tickle spot!
Thanks for coming to visit

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