Sunday 29 September 2013

Anniversary Wash-out

Mommy and Daddy are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary this year.  They booked a beachfront RV spot (months ago) as their celebration destination.  The weather forecast was not looking good, but nothing could dampen their spirits (or so they thought!!).  

We arrived on Friday evening and took a short stroll around, listening to the ocean waves, looking forward to seeing more in the next two days.  Then, we snuggled in for the evening - falling asleep to the sound of the rain.

We woke to the sound of MORE rain, then wind...then MORE rain, and just when we thought it couldn't rain DID!

We managed to do some exploring in the rain, but decided to pack it in on Saturday the confines of the camper were getting smaller by the hour (not to mention the smell of wet rain gear).

It was nothing if not memorable!  Looking forward to the next 10 years...rain or shine :)

Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!
The Rustler's oceanfront site at Weir's Beach
Yes, Mommy... I see the ocean...again...
Hey  you think it will rain?
Passing the time with books
Checking email
We've escaped the camper!
I say we go this way
Just "ducky" in my new rain gear
Mommy and Me enjoying the "wet" coast

Surf's up Daddy!
Is this rain ever going to stop?
Putting my new boots to the puddle test
The only way Troy would leave the puddles

Sunday 15 September 2013


Sunday is FUNday around here.  We usually like to get most of our chores done on Saturday so that we have time to relax and enjoy the last bit of the weekend.  Today, Oma stopped by for a visit AND the Seahawks are playing!!

Oma, your necklace is tasty!
Yeah, it does look dashing on me, doesn't it?
Oma...did you know football is on today?
Too bad I made a mess on my football shirt and pants before the game...I'm down to diapers!
Oh well...our number #1 team, the Seahawks, are playing!!

Saturday 14 September 2013

Hat and Shoes

Even though Troy isn't saying many words yet...he manages to get his point across.  For example, if he wants to go outside he will go put on his hat (pronounced HAAA) and attempt to put on his shoes (pronounced SHHHH's). all I need to do is get this hat on
Oh yeah...first try and all!
A little far back on my head and the brim is turned up...but I think I can carry it off?
Okay...hat is still on (not sure how?)...I'm ready to go outside!!
Oh yeah...I need shoes too...
Now if only I could figure out this velcro stuff

Sunglasses at Night

Troy was doing his best Corey Hart impression...wearing his sunglasses at night.

Hey, why did it get dark all of a sudden?
Never Surrender!!!
Rock on....
The "real" Corey Hart...who surprisingly is still touring!  Auntie C will be so happy!!

Friday 13 September 2013

More Keyboarding

This morning we stopped in to see Auntie Janice during our walk.  After playing with all the toys that Auntie always digs out for Troy...she opened up her piano.  As soon as Troy hit the seat, he started to gently press the keys.  Yes, gently - shocking, I know!

Janice took a picture to document his first "song".   I'm sure he'll be taking requests soon :)

lil' Liberace

Wednesday 11 September 2013


The other day, we were walking down our street and one of our neighbours, Mr. Hale, stopped to give Troy a toy that he had bought his grandchildren (but they were too old to enjoy he saved it).  It is a little laptop.  Troy loves touching the keys - probably because Mommy never lets him touch her computer!

His computer desk consists of the little table and chairs that Mommy played with when she was a little girl.  Mommy and Daddy picked them up from Auntie C and Jude when they drove to Alberta.  They must be built of kryptonite because they are now close to 50 years old (yikes!) and have withstood Mommy and her sisters (and questionable uses)..and all of Troy's cousins before him!

Troy and teddy working at their desk
Hey, Teddy...I've got mail!
Troy's Office

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Getting Pretty for Auntie Carol

This morning we had an email from Auntie Carol that she was coming to visit us today!  So, I was telling Troy that we had to "get pretty" for her visit.  While I was getting ready in the bathroom...I look out and Troy is in front of the mirror trying to put on my hairband.  I guess he figured he needed to get pretty too!  Needless to say he forgot about the hairband by the time Auntie Carol arrived...and there was a wardrobe change (due to an unfortunate sippy cup incident)...but, visiting with Auntie made us feel very pretty.  Thanks for stopping by for cuddles!!  

I think I need to accessorize this outfit
I would have made a cute girl, eh Gramma? found my tickle spot!
Thanks for coming to visit

Monday 9 September 2013

Weekend Warriors

Our friends, Janice and Scott, have been inviting us to their "place at the lake" all summer.  Finally, this past weekend we made it work...and the weather was superb! (even though we thought last weekend was going to be our last of the summer).  It was perfect for Daddy and Scott to go riding and for Mommy and Janice (and me) to play at the beach.  Then, we all went on their boat for more fun!!

Daddy, is that you?
Daddy and Scott ready to ride
Enjoying some pebble time before hitting the beach
Daddy, are we going out for a boat ride?
Yup...and Mommy is coming too
Mommy and Janice enjoying a tube ride on the lake
and then...WHOA...the boat picked up speed
but they still enjoyed it...even MORE
Scott and Me at the helm
Hey Scott...what does this button do??
I know...I look really fierce in my dirty pirate shirt, don't I?
Okay, I am more of a "Gilligan"
I see land...over yonder, matey!

Taking a dip to cool off

Daddy enjoying the ride (I lent him my sippy cup)
"Auntie" Janice reading to me
Passed out five minutes into the drive home