Sunday 2 September 2012

A Walk in the Park (or so we thought)...

It was a bright, sunny day...perfect for a walk into Sidney for lunch.  Rookie Parent Mistake #1.  What mistake you say?  Well, for all of you out there who don't have children, or forget what it is like to have a 3 month old CANNOT take BOTH a walk and expect to have a leisurely lunch.  Rookie Parent Mistake #2: park the car too far away (30 minute walk) to feed and diaper your child when he's pooped through two layers of clothing before your entree arrives.  You will be stuck breastfeeding in the alley behind the Mexican restaurant and using the stroller as a change table!  Thankfully, the stroller accommodated the takeout food containers and the chimichangas tasted delicious after being reheated in the microwave at home.

Enjoying the sunshine
Everyone is still happy
This is the downward spiral
No Pants!!  (check out my chubby legs).  Hey...are we going home now?
Because, I could really go for some lunch!

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