Tuesday 25 September 2012

Imeldos Bakker

Troy was gifted many shoes.  This morning I decided to try them all on to see which fit.  I found out  Troy has a super power - the ability to curl his toes and bend his foot so that NO shoes will go on his feet.  And, if a shoe should manage to get on his foot (with much mommy wrangling)...he has the uncanny ability to get it off in seconds!

Troy's favorite toy, Captain Calamari, was on hand to help with the selection process.  Only a few pairs made the cut...

Let the shoe wrangling begin!
The red Converse shoes (I could only keep one on at a time!). 
WHEEEE...I'm free of shoes and socks!
(have to admit that he gets that from his mommy)
These are my "Number One" favorites

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