Tuesday 29 April 2014

Alberta Bound

We made it!  We arrived safely in Alberta on Sunday afternoon.  We left Vancouver Island on a very sunny day and hoped it would follow us (which it did for the most part).  Troy travelled well.  He would nap and then wake up yelling "SNAAAAAACK".  We are now staying with Auntie C and Jude.  The house is filled with laughter (and lots of our stuff) and we are so happy to be here.
Troy doing his peacock impersonation (note: peacock above their heads)
We had visited the Beacon Hill petting zoo before we left Victoria. (that is why it is so lush and green)
Troy and Daddy enjoying the pool at the hotel
Troy snacking (again)
I think it's time for me and my monster pillow to nap
lil monster all passed out
Are we there yet??

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