Friday 4 April 2014

Bloomin' Crazy

Today is a beautiful, sunny Spring day.  The flowers and trees are just popping with blooms.  This morning on our walk, Troy and I noticed that our favorite blooming tree was in full glory.  It sure made it harder to think that we will leaving this lush climate in a month and moving to Alberta (where things will be brown and dusty).  However, we just decided to enjoy it while we can...and maybe we can hitch this lovely weather to our wagon when we head East :)

Majestic tree in bloom
Mommy, did you remember to put the brake on?
Pretty in pink
Yay...we're in the backyard!
Mommy...I'm really going to miss this yard...and my WILLOW TREE
Oh, Willow Tree....
How I love thee....
Won't you come with me?
WHAT?! We can't pack the tree??
How about these daffodils?
Or these blue flowers?
Or the tulips?
Let's take it all,  Mommy!
WHAT?!  We can't take ANY of it?
What's up with that?

I'd better go pack some sticks

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