Monday 12 May 2014


Troy went to visit Gramma and Papa (Mommy was there too!).  Gramma taught him how to bake sugar cookies and egg noodles (which essentially meant letting him eat as much dough as he wanted!).  They also had a special routine of touring the house and "watering the birdie" in the laundry room.  I don't know who had more fun...Gramma or Troy...but I do know that they both slept really well :)
Getting ready to roll out the dough
Watching carefully (so is Papa!)
Can I eat it yet?
Like this, Gramma?
Taste test!
I think I'm better at eating cookies than making them
Gramma even gave me my own apron
Time to water the chickie
Here birdie, birdie, birdie
Noodle time
Can I taste the dough?
Hey where are those cookies we made?
Gramma's house is delicious

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