Friday 5 July 2013


Troy and Mommy played Lego today.  Truth be told, I played with Lego ALOT as a kid (and admittedly into adulthood!).  I know I won't be able to compete with Daddy when it comes to motorbikes, but Mommy will certainly hold her own in the Lego arena!

Looking forward to more Lego building (and stepping on all those little pieces...NOT!)

Do I FINALLY get to play with my Lego, Mommy?
First we need to empty the box of all the pieces
Almost empty
Mommy, let's put it on the table
My Lego garden is growing nicely
Mommy, this is MY Lego
Lego is fun!
Hey, Mr. you like the house I built you?
Just need to add the fence
Blowing kisses to Auntie A for the Lego!

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