Monday 15 July 2013

Bike Walk

Troy can now get on and off his bike by himself.  He still hasn't figured out how to push it around though.  I can't blame him entirely, as it is a badly designed toy...the front wheel is stationary, so it essentially acts as a brake as he tries to move forward.  Frustrating for him.  Although, it has forced him to find an alternative way to move around with it -  he holds onto the handlebars, from the front, and pushes it (while walking!). Now, if only he could figure out how to turn around with it, my back would thank him!

Me 'n' my bike
Riding high
Now if only I could get this bike to GO!
I'm going to have to get off and walk this bike

Here is Troy doing the bike walk...

This bike was made for walking
So were my legs, apparently?!
Mommy...why are you laying down?

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