Monday 1 July 2013

Block Party

It's an annual tradition on Ebor gather at the end of the block to celebrate Canada Day!  This year, we chose the Saturday of the long weekend.  The weather was perfect and we had our best turn-out yet.  It was a chance to catch up with neighbours we hadn't seen since the last party...and to meet the new neighbours that moved to the block.  We all agreed - we have the best neighbours!!

just a light breeze on a warm eve
Nothing gets a party started (or stopped) like a visit from the local police!
Apparently, Sarp (Aysha's son) dialled 9-1-1 accidentally...whoopsie!
The lawn chairs are circled
Troy inspecting Daddy's sunglasses  
Daddy,  is Richard telling us another story?
Hanging out with my next-door neighbour, Chris 
Meeting the new kids on the block
Madeleine and Lawson (13-month old twins who are going to live two doors down)
Here I am with Lillian, the matriarch of the block.  She is the oldest, and I am the youngest!

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