Sunday 28 July 2013

The Rustler

We are the very proud new owners of a fifth-wheel!  It is a 1995 Travelaire Rustler.  Our friends, and neighbours, Penny & Sam made us an offer we couldn't refuse!  We can't wait to take our "inaugural" trip with Auntie C and Jude to Parksville in a few weeks.

Penny, is this really going to be ours?
Penny and Sam gave me presents for the beach at Parksville...sandcastles here I come!
Our new home-away-from-home
Daddy and Troy all comfy in bed - there's even head room for Daddy!
Mommy and Troy can't wait to go camping (now we just have to convince Auntie C!)

Friday 26 July 2013

Sidney Market

Last night we went to the Sidney Market.  It was a beautiful, sunny evening and there was lots to see... and eat!  Of course we had to have a Langos - a very delicious Hungarian treat.  Troy couldn't get enough.  After cleaning all the icing sugar off each other, we stopped to listen to the Marimba band and then picked up some fresh corn for supper.

A perfect way to spend a summer's eve.

Yummm...fried bread and icing sugar
Aren't you going to share some, Daddy?
Listening to the Marimba band
Picking up some fresh Silver Rill corn
Troy's first taste of corn (fresh off the cob)
Daddy, you're being corny!

Thursday 25 July 2013

Being Pushy we finally gave in to everyone's comments that we need to get Troy a proper walking toy.  And, just as we predicted...he doesn't walk with it.  He likes to sit on it and push the buttons and pull the starter...but no walking!  Sigh.

However, he still finds other various "walkers" around the house.  Like the laundry basket!

What's that Daddy?
I'm not sure about this?
I'd rather be pushing the laundry basket

Monday 22 July 2013

Snuggle Monkey

Troy is a snuggler - which couldn't make Mommy happier!  He is happy to share a hug and a kiss...even with his toys.

Monkey, you look like you could use a cuddle
Spread your arms wide
Then, I'll throw you over my back
And you can give me a hug from behind!
Yes, Mommy, this is how Monkey likes it
Even when I pull his arms tight
A kiss makes up for it
Monkey snuggles
This monkey is sprouting tooth #7!  Yup...the one to the right of his bottom chompers
If looks could cuddle

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Take it outside

I decided to let Troy do his "biking" outside.  The front yard provided a much larger space (which meant much LESS turning around by Mommy) than his playroom.  It also meant that Troy had to give in to wearing shoes as the dry grass was a little too scratchy!

Cruisin' the front yard
Shoes required!

Have a look at Troy touring the front yard...

Monday 15 July 2013

Bike Walk

Troy can now get on and off his bike by himself.  He still hasn't figured out how to push it around though.  I can't blame him entirely, as it is a badly designed toy...the front wheel is stationary, so it essentially acts as a brake as he tries to move forward.  Frustrating for him.  Although, it has forced him to find an alternative way to move around with it -  he holds onto the handlebars, from the front, and pushes it (while walking!). Now, if only he could figure out how to turn around with it, my back would thank him!

Me 'n' my bike
Riding high
Now if only I could get this bike to GO!
I'm going to have to get off and walk this bike

Here is Troy doing the bike walk...

This bike was made for walking
So were my legs, apparently?!
Mommy...why are you laying down?

Sunday 14 July 2013

The Crawl

Troy isn't walking yet...however, he has figured out how to crawl on his hands and knees (vs. arms and toes!).  He is definitely more mobile and is standing against any surface that will hold him.  Walking is sure to happen soon.

Friday 12 July 2013

Got Milk? (and crackers)

Troy has adjusted really well to being weaned.  This morning, for breakfast, he ate a bowl of cereal AND two pieces of toast.  After our morning walk, he was ready for a snack.  His new favorite snack is honey-graham bunny crackers...and, of course, MILK.

A bunny in each hand
This wabbit is going down
Mommy, you know what goes really well with bunny crackers?
oh yeahhhhhhhhh
I've got this sippy cup thing all figured out
Two-handed grip

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Independence Day(s)

Well, Troy sailed through daytime weaning last last night was the first "night weaning".  I rocked him to sleep at 7:30 pm (just in time to catch Coronation Street) and figured that was too good to be true.  It was.  At 9:00 pm Troy decided to he wanted to stay up for a while (2 hours).  But, after finally falling back to sleep...he slept until 6:00 am! 

Troy has a much bigger appetite now and drinks really well from a cup.  He even points to the cup when he is thirsty.  My little baby is growing up...and well on his way to independence!  

I'm off Mommy's milk now!, I still need some rocking to sleep
But, otherwise I'm ready for babysitters!!!
I promise to behave...
well, sort of....

Monday 8 July 2013

Swingin' good time

On our daily walks, we pass Janice's house.  She has a really cool tire swing.  Troy had his first swing in it the other day.  He loved it.  That is, until he decided to eat the dandelion he was holding.  Then, we had to go inside for a drink of water :)

I suspect that Troy will pointing to the swing every time we go past now (and perhaps, forgoing the dandelion snack)

More, Mommy, More!
Hmmm...all this swinging has made me peckish...