Thursday 10 January 2013

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve started with going to Mass.  First, a few family photos while we were dressed up.  After church, we all helped prepare the "meatless" meal of noodles...covered in poppyseed or cottage cheese (yes, it tastes far better than it sounds!).  Followed by tubby time and getting outfitted in the new pajamas Gramma sewed.  Then, all we had to do was wait for Santa (and for Troy to fall asleep!)

Our first "family" Christmas
Gramma and Papa with Troy and Jude

Gramma and Papa with grandchild #7

Rolling out the noodle dough

Carolyn helping dad grind the poppyseed

Jude helping Gramma

Dad using his drill to turn the grinder!
Even Troy stopped by (undressed for tubby time) to supervise 
That is a cool toy Gramma

all done!

Troy all bathed

Jude playing with Troy before bedtime

Gramma sewed Troy and Jude matching pajamas...and furry trapper hats!

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring...except Troy!
Is Santa here yet Daddy?

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