Wednesday 16 January 2013

Bright-eyed & Bushy-tailed

Last night Troy slept for 10.5 hours...straight!  This is a new record!!  (In fact, I can't even remember the last time I slept for more than 8 hours?!) After the holidays, Troy's sleep routine was horrible.  He was waking up every hour.  So, after being back home for a week and two nights of letting him cry...he is sleeping incredibly well.  Let's hope by reporting this I'm not jinxing it and this won't be a one-hit wonder!

We also had to lower his crib mattress and remove all items from the crib - as he is becoming much more "enthusiastic" about rearranging his crib and trying out new sleep positions.  The other night he slept completely sideways in his crib!

Do not be fooled by this innocent grin
Hurricane Troy (he manages to get out of his footie pajamas all on his own)
Sideways crib burrito
Clearly enjoying his "captivity"
The cage bars have been, I mean...the crib mattress has been lowered

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