Wednesday 9 January 2013

Christmas catch up...

Yes, we're baaaaaaaack!  We had a wonderful holiday in Alberta.  Now it's time to catch up the blog with all the pictures and fun.

We started our seasonal celebrations with Auntie Carolyn and Jude.  One of our traditions is to decorate a gingerbread house, or as Auntie Carolyn has termed it...Gingerbreadapolooza!

Ready, set...Gingerbread!

Insider trick...Dancing Deer makes a kit that uses the box to "glue" the gingerbread onto!

Time out for some "wheels on the bus"...Troy's favorite game to play with Auntie C!

More Auntie, MORE!!!

All tuckered out...
the gingerbread house "before"

Adding the mini-wheat roof tiles

Jude was an excellent roofer

Auntie C and Troy cuddling

Troy, the "supervisor"

Hey...can I help?

Auntie C adding the final touches

This is the Bakker gingerbread family...Mommy holding Troy and Daddy (in his striped shirt)

All decked out

Here is Auntie C and Jude (and the rather scary snowman)

the 2012 Gingerbreadapalooza finale

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