Sunday 27 January 2013

Let the good times roll...

Troy is enjoying his time with Leesa...there is always lots of playtime.  Mommy is enjoying Leesa too!  Not only does she help take care of Troy...she cooks, bakes and cleans!!!  We may just have to kidnap her?

We made some treats to take with us to visit Oma in Duncan.  Auntie Betsy, Uncle Lorne, Danica, Michael and Jackson were there too.  Auntie Deta wished she could been also, but she was in quarantine with a cold :(

Adoring Leesa 
She's funny
Giddy up Leesa!
Making yummy "chetzels"...pretzels with chocolate (sooooo good) 
Simply add a Hershey Hug to a pretzel then melt in oven for 4 minutes at 200 degrees
Then add a smartie on top...right after they come out of the oven
Got milk? Leesa  (she was just getting used to using the kitchenaid for the icing for the cake)
Troy was "supervisor" again!

Cutting our Lemony Lemon cake with cream cheese icing....delish!

Troy showing off his teeth with Auntie Betsy
Daddy Day Care - Michael, Jackson, Simon and Troy

Troy and Danica

Troy and Mommy
Countertop Yoga with Leesa

Thursday 24 January 2013

Cousin Leesa is here!

Yes, it has been a few days since I've posted on the blog...that's because we are busy having fun with Simon's niece, Leesa.  She is visiting us for two weeks, and we are enjoying every minute.  Troy loves having another playmate around.  He and Leesa are best buddies!

YAY!  Cousin Leesa is here!!
Leesa and I are great at hanging out together
Leesa and Mommy take me on walks together (yes, that's me...peeking out from under my blankie)
Even Daddy joins us when he can.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Cookie Monster

Troy enjoyed his first biscuit cookie...while Mommy learned how messy they are!

Feeling like a big boy with his cookie and sippy cup
Crumby Face
I get this whole cookie?
Yum,  yum, yum

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Bright-eyed & Bushy-tailed

Last night Troy slept for 10.5 hours...straight!  This is a new record!!  (In fact, I can't even remember the last time I slept for more than 8 hours?!) After the holidays, Troy's sleep routine was horrible.  He was waking up every hour.  So, after being back home for a week and two nights of letting him cry...he is sleeping incredibly well.  Let's hope by reporting this I'm not jinxing it and this won't be a one-hit wonder!

We also had to lower his crib mattress and remove all items from the crib - as he is becoming much more "enthusiastic" about rearranging his crib and trying out new sleep positions.  The other night he slept completely sideways in his crib!

Do not be fooled by this innocent grin
Hurricane Troy (he manages to get out of his footie pajamas all on his own)
Sideways crib burrito
Clearly enjoying his "captivity"
The cage bars have been, I mean...the crib mattress has been lowered

Friday 11 January 2013

Eating & Drinking

Troy was like the rest of us...spending the holidays eating and drinking!  He is enjoying more solid foods (bananas are still the favorite!!) and is also drinking from a bottle or sippy cup.

The car seat doubled as a feeding station at Auntie's house
messy mouth
Troy enjoying his first MumMum cracker.  He only bit his own finger once :)
Mastering the bottle 
Clearly pleased with himself

Papa 'n' Gramma

One of the best parts of Troy's Christmas holidays...was spending lots of time with Gramma and Papa.  

Papa sharing his wisdom
Gramma sharing a laugh
Haha!  Papa is funny too
Papa helping me learn to walk
These cheeks were made for kissing
This is my papa!!
This is my Grammmmmmmma
Papa laying down on the job :)

Meet and Greet

Troy had a chance to meet lots of family and friends over the holidays.  He is very sociable, and enjoys anyone who is willing to hold him!  

Troy and Leesa (Simon's niece)
Hmmm...looks like Troy and Leesa share the same beautiful eyes
Troy and Auntie Tena (Simon's sister)
Troy posing with Leesa and Tena
Troy all snuggly with Wayne (Mommy's cousin Brenda's husband)
Heeeee...more willing to hold me!
Brenda is cuddly
Troy with Judy (Gramma and Mommy's friend...and now, Troy's too!)
Troy's plan to be held the entire holidays is really working out
Stephanie and Nick (Mommy's cousins) came to see me too (sorry Nick...only your hand made it in the photo)
Troy listening to Nick...he has the best stories!
Abbey (Mommy's cousin Norman's daughter) and her boyfriend, Matt, stopped by too