Thursday 11 October 2012

Troy's Baptism

Troy was baptized on October 6, 2012 in the very same church that I was baptized in - St. Augustine's Catholic Church in Taber, Alberta.  Troy's grandparents (Gramma Annie and Papa Martin) were his Godparents.  It was a very special day.

Ready for my big day!
Godmommy getting me dressed (it is traditional for the Godmother to dress the baby)
Putting on the knitted booties that Gramma Rose made for me. 
On with the beautiful silk romper
All dressed and ready to go
Me with my Parents and Godparents
Looking up to Godfather
Gramma Annie and Papa Martin
Auntie Carolyn and Jude were there to celebrate with me too

And so were my Auntie Patty, Uncle Daren, Laura (and Kyle behind the camera)

Anointing Troy's chest

Blessing with the holy water
Here is a picture of my baptism (42 years ago!) at the very same baptismal font
Blessing the oil (that will be put on Troy's head)
Daddy holding the baptismal candle (me with slick hair from the oil)
Father Vincent and me
On the ride home from the church...a bit tuckered out from the excitement
Resting up for the party!

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