Tuesday 16 October 2012


Troy had his four-month appointment with the doctor yesterday.  When I mentioned that he is feeding every 1.5 hours during the day, she said I could start him on cereal (phew!).

So, today we went to the store to buy some baby spoons, plates, oh yeah and..the rice cereal.

I think Troy managed to swallow a bit of it?  A few hours after feeding, it was confirmed...with a major poopy mess.  Let's just say, the bouncy chair cover is currently in the washing machine!!

checking out the new utensils
this will require...practice
getting closer...but wrong end
happy about the cereal
what's the bib for mommy?
Troy eats with his eyes (and it was extremely difficult for mommy to take photos while feeding)
hey, this stuff is a-ok!
interesting texture....
All full
my next conquest...the sippy cup!

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