Wednesday 31 October 2012

Punkin' Carving

I had good intentions to get the pumpkins carved last night.  However, I only managed to get the pumpkins cleaned out before I had to clean my other lil punkin (tubby time) and then I lost my creative edge (and energy) to finish the carving.

So, bright and early this morning, Troy and I set out to carve.  Thankfully after about 10 minutes he was ready for a nap (perhaps to escape the boredom?) so I was left on my own to complete them.  

Admittedly, pumpkin carving was a lot more fun when I didn't have to "speed carve" between naps and feedings (and had a few beers!)...but somehow, it totally seems worth it.  Clearly, I am sleep-deprived?!

Daddy and Troy picking out patterns last night.  Garfield was daddy's first pumpkin carving experience (that was when I knew he was a keeper...willing to put up with my crafting.  I think he is glad that Troy can now take his place!)
Troy giving his "critique" on my pumpkin...with tongue sticking out.  (Hence nap time shortly after!)

Monday 29 October 2012

Trick? or Treat?

Only 2 more sleeps until Halloween (well, more like 10 sleeps if you are Troy!).  

I swear that Halloween candy gets smaller every year!  So, in an attempt to "trick" my treaters...and make my treats look more "substantial" (and to prevent mommy and daddy from eating it all before Halloween) I decided to craft some loot bags.   

Troy was a good helper (and thankfully too young to tattle to daddy about how many treats mommy "tested" while making up the bags).

mommy's little helper
tricky treats

Saturday 27 October 2012

Monster Mash

In preparation for Halloween, we have been working on our rendition of Monster Mash.  To view our spooky routine, please click here

or click on the YouTube version below (unfortunately it will have ads on it)

Thursday 25 October 2012

Lil' Boo

Troy "helped" make Halloween cards this year.  He willingly (with daddy's assistance) dipped his foot in paint and pressed his footprint onto cards. I figured it was much safer to use his feet than his hands, since he couldn't stick his feet (covered in paint) in his mouth!

Leaving quite an impression
 one-of-a-kind boo cards


Here is Troy dressed in his Halloween Meerkat costume.  He seemed to enjoy being a Meerkat...for awhile...but then decided he'd rather be Troy.

Auntie Carolyn designed these beautiful Halloween cards for Troy
Happy Meerkat
Funny face Meerkat
Meerkat roar (do they roar?) meerkat enjoyment is fading...
Yup...definitely done with the Meerkat
Yay! I'm free of the Meerkat costume
Hey, this costume makes a good pillow
me 'n' meerkat
Now if I could figure out a costume that requires only a white onesie and socks!

Tuesday 23 October 2012


Troy has a new exersaucer.  He is thrilled to sit upright and bounce on his legs (even if only his tippy toes touch right now)

tip toe
checking out all the gadgets
hey...there's even more over here!
swinging the blocks
eyeing up the sun toy
trying to reach in for a taste
I could spend hours in here (mommy hopes...hee)

Tuesday with Troy

It has been a few days since our last blog post, so thought I would give a little update on what Troy has been up to.  Troy is continuing to really enjoy his rice cereal - so this week he will get two servings of cereal a day!  To see a video of a recent feeding click here.

He is also becoming quite the pro at rolling over and enjoying time on his belly. I fear that crawling is not far off and mommy will be busy baby-proofing the house!

he does get some in his mouth, honestly!
more comfy on his belly and holding his head up high
resting up in the swing after all the activities

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Roll-ing along

Today, Troy and I were playing in the sunroom on a beautiful blanket made by Gramma Annie.  We have nicknamed the blanket "chocolate roll" because it looks a lot like a chocolate marshmallow dessert Gramma makes (see recipe below) that uses coloured mini marshmallows.  So, while Troy was rolling over...and over...I was having chocolate roll cravings!   To see some of Troy's tummy time, click here.
Rollie Pollie
Starting to roll...
arms free and hands out in front...
and he's up!

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Troy had his four-month appointment with the doctor yesterday.  When I mentioned that he is feeding every 1.5 hours during the day, she said I could start him on cereal (phew!).

So, today we went to the store to buy some baby spoons, plates, oh yeah and..the rice cereal.

I think Troy managed to swallow a bit of it?  A few hours after feeding, it was confirmed...with a major poopy mess.  Let's just say, the bouncy chair cover is currently in the washing machine!!

checking out the new utensils
this will require...practice
getting closer...but wrong end
happy about the cereal
what's the bib for mommy?
Troy eats with his eyes (and it was extremely difficult for mommy to take photos while feeding)
hey, this stuff is a-ok!
interesting texture....
All full
my next conquest...the sippy cup!

15 more until Halloween

Yes, the countdown to Halloween is on.  And, since this will be Troy's first Halloween I've been busy with a few "crafty" projects (and thankfully haven't had to call 911 yet!).  I'm saving the "reveals" until closer to Halloween - so I don't have much to blog about this morning...but I will give you a sneak peek.  Here is Troy with his Halloween costume.  (I was going to have a contest to see who could guess what it is...but Auntie Carolyn would win hands down because it was Jude's first costume: a Meerkat.)
Happy as a Meerkat...when NOT a Meerkat
Troy loves it when Daddy reads him Meerkat Mail 

Sunday 14 October 2012

Our little pumpkin

Troy turned 4 months old last week.  He is starting to hold his head really well and can sit up (when supported by pumpkins and such).  I had big plans to take Troy to the pumpkin fields to pick out pumpkins...but it is raining, no POURING we ended up buying a few at the (very dry) grocery store!

I had been waiting for the Fall pumpkins to photograph Troy in this adorable romper knitted by his Gramma Rose.  A rainy day makes for a perfect photo shoot.