Friday 28 September 2012

Troy's Baby Shower

Troy's "Auntie" Aysha gave him a wonderful party yesterday.  Aysha is our neighbour and a professional party planner.  The presentation was beautiful and the food was sooooo tasty.  The best part was sharing Troy with my other awesome neighbours: Janice, Christine and Penny.  Troy is starting to enjoy parties and flirting with the ladies!

For more pictures of the here for a link to Aysha's "Top Notch Parties" facebook page

Too pretty to eat (almost!!)

Troy with Auntie Aysha
Troy and I checking out the food (yes...right upon arrival!)
Troy with Penny
Troy with Janice
Ok...this is the only picture with Christine in it...otherwise I wouldn't
have posted a photo with me gabbing away with my mouth open (rare moment, I know...hah!)
Ready to partay!
Sitting at the table
Hangin' out
Enjoying the presents!
hmmmm...these women can talk alot!
soaking up all the attention

Thursday 27 September 2012

Number Nine

First we had each other...then we had we have everything!

Simon and I were married nine years ago, today.  Hard to believe how fast time goes (and how much younger we looked!) but we wouldn't change a thing.  

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Imeldos Bakker

Troy was gifted many shoes.  This morning I decided to try them all on to see which fit.  I found out  Troy has a super power - the ability to curl his toes and bend his foot so that NO shoes will go on his feet.  And, if a shoe should manage to get on his foot (with much mommy wrangling)...he has the uncanny ability to get it off in seconds!

Troy's favorite toy, Captain Calamari, was on hand to help with the selection process.  Only a few pairs made the cut...

Let the shoe wrangling begin!
The red Converse shoes (I could only keep one on at a time!). 
WHEEEE...I'm free of shoes and socks!
(have to admit that he gets that from his mommy)
These are my "Number One" favorites

Monday 24 September 2012


DIY takes on a whole new meaning with a baby.  I've had these shelves (which are actually IKEA spice racks) for months.  I have moved them from room to room telling myself I need to paint them.  I soon realize that painting is not the hard part...finding time between feedings is!  

This weekend, Simon installed the book racks.  What the pictures don't show is Troy "adding his comments" from the crib (as if Daddy didn't have enough direction from Mommy!!)  

Oh well, as we sit and read to Troy it will all be worth it (right?!!).

Using leftover trim paint
Measuring it up
My handyman (still smiling...)
Ready for storytime

Sunday 23 September 2012

Like Father, Like Son

White shirts, black pants and adorable grins...
what a pair

Mornings with Troy

Troy is a morning person.  He usually wakes up smiling and babbling.  He has found new sounds to make and likes to think he is holding a conversation.  For a snippet of his babble, click here.

Good morning sunshine 

Thursday 20 September 2012

Curtain Call

Simon's Sister, Deta, is not only a wonderful Auntie to Troy...she is a talented seamstress!  She installed a really whizzy curtain track (which takes a lot of patience and measuring to fit around a corner) and sewed the perfect curtains for our living room.  It already feels cozier.  Thank you Deta!

Auntie Deta with Troy 
Daddy and Troy enjoying the cozy living room before bedtime

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Mommy's Little Monster

Ok...guilty as charged...another of Troy's new outfits has a reference to "mommy".   Here's the little monster and his "sticky-up"hair!

Thumb-sucking monster

bum shot!

more Monstah!

Brown-eyed monster

Monster profile

Monster dimple

Giggle Monster

Monday 17 September 2012

Sunday Sports

Sunday is Sports Day at the Bakkers.  For means "sporting" new outfits on Troy.  For means watching NFL football with his boy.  And for Troy it means learning new "spittle"sports.  Click this VIDEO LINK to watch!

Can you tell mommy picked my outfit?
Marching to my own beat
the "Man Den" getting put to good use

Sunday 16 September 2012

Lessons Learned

The lessons were learned from our last "outing".  This weekend, we kept our outings short and the car within dashing distance!  Troy seems to be embracing the car seat - and the change of scenery.

Thumbs up from dad (Troy, undecided)

The coffee fumes are kicking in

Not sure if Mommy is happier about getting out...or having a latte?

Friday 14 September 2012

7, 3, 1

No, these aren't lotto numbers or a Sesame Street sketch...they represent some big milestones for Troy this week.

7 is the number of hours he sleeps through the night.
3 is the number of months since he was born
1 is the number of TEETH that are breaking through his gums!!

Just when everyone is feeling rested with big sleeps at night, the drooling and chewing of new teeth has begun.  However, it doesn't stop Troy from smiling in between chews.

bright-eyed after a big sleep


No toothy grin...yet

I wonder if my pinkie will work better?

Monday 10 September 2012

Family Dinner

We knew when we were planning our new kitchen that the extended peninsula would become a favorite place to eat.  It has proven to be a great spot to enjoy our meals and have Troy join us.  Plus, if mommy times his feeding right (and Troy is sleepy)...she gets to eat her meal when it is hot!

Enjoying our family din din

Troy didn't add much to the conversation, but he gave us lots to talk about!

Sunday 9 September 2012

Sleep Sack

Gramma Annie sewed Troy some "sleep sacks" when she made all the other beautiful things for his nursery.  Up until now, he has been too small for them (hard to believe, I know!) and the number of night-time diaper changes made them inconvenient.  Since he is now bigger, sleeping longer and taking great pleasure in kicking off his blankets - it was time to try the sleep sack!  The photos don't show much of the sleeping action (these were taken during an afternoon tryout) but he slept close to 8 hours in it last night...woo hoo!

See made it long enough for me!

this is NOT a yawn...

Trying to kick it off

still kicking

ready to sack out?