Sunday 17 July 2016


It was the last day of wasn't raining (yet)...and the admission was we decided to brave the festivites - with Auntie C and Jude!

Troy all decked out in his "urban cowboy" outfit

Troy was singing some country music on the way there...

Auntie C, Jude and me...ready at the gates!
Mommy, Daddy, Jude...and me (I can't keep from looking at all the action!)
C'mon Daddy...let's go!
Troy and Daddy...going for a slide
Yipppeeee...let's try another
Troy trying to reach the gas pedal on the bumper cars
Daddy will push the gas while I steer :)

Time for some Stampede fare...corn dogs and ice cream
Washed down with some lemonade
Troy and Daddy going up to have a look at the Stampede grounds

Great view

A good way to beat the crowds too!
This Stampede stuff is FUN!

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