Sunday 9 August 2015

Headed to the Hills

We packed up the Rustler on Thursday and headed for the "hills"...Kananaskis, that is!  It is a nice short drive (less than an hour!) and we are in the mountains.  We camped at Beaver Flat again...but we didn't score a river front site (however, we didn't expect to get one!).  Needless to say we continue to enjoy exploring the area - finding something new each time :)

Are we going camping again Mommy?
I have my "chocolate roll" blankie...and I'm ready to roll :)
Here is Troy testing out the "Troy bed" in the camper
Mommy and Troy checking out Elbow Falls
It sounds as good as it looks!!
Troy and Daddy checking it out from a higher viewpoint
Can we throw rocks now?!
So many rocks to choose from...
I'm going in for that one!
Heave, Ho!
Look Mommy...I see trees!!
Fishies...where are you???
Ripplin' the water with (what else) rocks!
Hmmm...the beavers are avoiding us again!
Look at all the flowers
Exploring with Daddy
Troy amongst the furry ferns
Getting up higher for a better view how am I supposed to get off of this rock?
Should I jump?
The binoculars give a good view (without the climb)
Hey, look...they replaced the washed-out bridge!
Sure beats climbing down and up those steep banks
Always carry a stick, I say!
Those beavers better not take all the sticks!
Evidence that the beavers had been chewing recently
One Happy Camper!
Yes...Troy slept in the "Troy bed"!
Strolling along
Troy rockin' his camping shirt
Staying steady on the rocks
SS Troy going for a maiden voyage
More stickhandling
Catching a ride with Daddy
So scenic
Walking across the suspension bridge at Elbow Flats
and a big grin
Troy started out with clothes...but was soon wet and was down to his undies
(pretty sure that was planned!)
Building a sand fort
Hey, check out my mean sand fort
This camping stuff is sure (messy) fun :)

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