Wednesday 29 April 2015

Dig, dig, dig...

We have been busy working on landscaping the backyard.   First, we had to dig (and dig and dig) out most of the lawn.  We filled the flat deck trailer (twice) - which also meant we had to unload it (shovel by shovel)...twice!  Our plan is to put down large paving stones and rock surrounding a small patch of remaining grass.  Stay tuned for more pics on our progress (hopefully!).

Hey you want to use my digger?
It digs really good!
Dig my new hat?
Are we putting in a swimming pool, Mommy?
Is this the diving board?
I think Daddy needs my help
(I know...Gramma and Oma will think I need shoes too!)
I will rake it for you Daddy
or...I can push the wheelbarrow
Hmmmm....this might take awhile

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