Wednesday 8 April 2015

Big boy

Troy is reaching "big boy" status.  He is riding his bike (faster and faster) and started potty training! We have had a few bumps along the way (literally!!) and there is more laundry...however, we are trying to focus on the positives :)

First, the bike-riding.  Troy is doing really well on his Strider bike.  He came across another boy (age 7) that was learning to ride his big bike down the hill at the playground.  It was a great place to learn as the grass made for soft landings.  However, when the older boy decided to go down the other side of the hill (that is steeper and leads to the cement path) Troy decided to follow.  The boy made it without incident...Troy did not.  Thankfully he was wearing his helmet.   I'm pretty sure the scrapes on his forehead are from the helmet!  He did cry...but then got up and rode his bike home.  What a trooper.

Now, the potty training.  As you might have heard, I bought my last box of diapers (the biggest box I could find) a few weeks ago.  I told Troy (and everyone that would listen) that it was going to be the last box of diapers that I buy.  Well, today they ran out.  Today we are officially potty training.   Today we did lots of laundry - sofa cushion slip covers included.  Today is almost over :)

Big boy undies
"flashing" his undies

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