Wednesday 29 April 2015

Dig, dig, dig...

We have been busy working on landscaping the backyard.   First, we had to dig (and dig and dig) out most of the lawn.  We filled the flat deck trailer (twice) - which also meant we had to unload it (shovel by shovel)...twice!  Our plan is to put down large paving stones and rock surrounding a small patch of remaining grass.  Stay tuned for more pics on our progress (hopefully!).

Hey you want to use my digger?
It digs really good!
Dig my new hat?
Are we putting in a swimming pool, Mommy?
Is this the diving board?
I think Daddy needs my help
(I know...Gramma and Oma will think I need shoes too!)
I will rake it for you Daddy
or...I can push the wheelbarrow
Hmmmm....this might take awhile


So, hopefully this will be the last post about pooing and peeing...because Troy is now doing both on the potty!!  He has been "accident-free" for four days in a row now.  He promptly tells us if he needs to go pee - which means we ready the little potty.  If he tells us "big potty"...that means he has to go #2 and he prefers to use the toilet (phew...because I really don't care to be cleaning out the potty bucket :)

Here is Troy's first #2 on the big potty.  He asked to be alone (I even had to shut the door).  We promised him that he would get to go to the toy store when his "mission was complete".  He picked out a remote-control truck (and not a chompers!).

Thursday 23 April 2015

Potty noises

I am trying everything in the book...including encourage #2 on the potty.  Troy has special books that he can only have IF he is on the potty.  One of them is a book on sounds that trucks and diggers make.  Here is a video of Troy "reading" the book - making all sorts of noise on the potty (except the kind Mommy wants to hear!!)

Sunday 19 April 2015

Success (partly)

Troy has now mastered peeing on the potty...and...staying dry during naps and overnight...WOOOOHOOO!!!

However, we continue working on doing #2 in the potty.  But, we are still celebrating :)

Troy's peeing "stance" (not sure how this will apply to the toilet - until he is much taller!!)
I did it!!!  I peed in the potty!!!

Friday 17 April 2015

Potty Training (still)

Potty training should be called "how not to lose your patience after spending 3 hours entertaining your child on the potty only to have said child pee in his pants the moment you take your eyes off him"...but i guess that's kind of a long title - and would turn most parents off even attempting!
painting on the potty
doing puzzles "commando"
Yay...I did it (the puzzle that is!)
I think I have to go?
I'd better sit on my potty!
More puzzling
and more puzzling
Now if only we could solve the potty training puzzle!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Egg-citing Easter

We coloured eggs with Auntie C and Jude on Good Friday.  The boys enjoyed colouring the eggs...and then left Mommy and Auntie to do the decorating (fine by us!).  Then it was off to Gramma and Papa's house to celebrate Easter.  Thankfully, the Easter Bunny was able to make it to their house - even in the snow!!

Wow...look at all those eggs 
C'mon Jude, let's go colour eggs!
Jude masking with tape
Getting dippy turned pink!
Jude checking on the hue
the funny bunny collection
the metallic series
bright and cheery 
stamped typography 
the work bench

The Easter Bunny was here!!
On the hunt you see that yellow egg in the window sill?
Found some more! basket is getting full
The Easter Bunny even hid some eggs in Gramma's pantry!

Look at my score :)
Hey, I think Jude has more eggs (probably because his basket is bigger too!)?
It's okay...I have enough :)
Inspecting what the Easter Bunny brought me
Having a taste test with Gramma
Easter is yummy 
Enjoying bunny bread and easter eggs for breakfast
Even Sammy gets an easter egg
Sammy being a good egg about the bunny ears :)

Big boy

Troy is reaching "big boy" status.  He is riding his bike (faster and faster) and started potty training! We have had a few bumps along the way (literally!!) and there is more laundry...however, we are trying to focus on the positives :)

First, the bike-riding.  Troy is doing really well on his Strider bike.  He came across another boy (age 7) that was learning to ride his big bike down the hill at the playground.  It was a great place to learn as the grass made for soft landings.  However, when the older boy decided to go down the other side of the hill (that is steeper and leads to the cement path) Troy decided to follow.  The boy made it without incident...Troy did not.  Thankfully he was wearing his helmet.   I'm pretty sure the scrapes on his forehead are from the helmet!  He did cry...but then got up and rode his bike home.  What a trooper.

Now, the potty training.  As you might have heard, I bought my last box of diapers (the biggest box I could find) a few weeks ago.  I told Troy (and everyone that would listen) that it was going to be the last box of diapers that I buy.  Well, today they ran out.  Today we are officially potty training.   Today we did lots of laundry - sofa cushion slip covers included.  Today is almost over :)

Big boy undies
"flashing" his undies