Thursday 4 December 2014

Home for the Holidays

The tree is up (and staying up...after having to invest in a heavier stand!)...and it is beginning to lose some of it's "fragrance".  I know most people buy live trees for the smell - but unbeknownst to us -Noble Firs have a "citrus" scent.  Which, at first, was so overpowering (and indescribable) we were threatening to throw it outside!   However, we are now embracing our live/dead tree :)

I've included some pictures of our house (since I've had several requests - sorry for taking so long).  We are really looking forward to celebrating Christmas in Calgary...yee haw!

Stockings are hung by the fire :)
Our "noble" tree 
Tree close up
The living room
The open-concept main floor
Dining Room
My office nook
Troy's room (note his swing has been repurposed)
The guest room - for when you come to visit! 
No pictures of our bedroom because someone was napping in it :) 
The exterior
Buddha is still smiling in the snow 
Front porch

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