Sunday 28 December 2014

Fa la la la la la...

We have returned from the Gulley where we spent Christmas.  We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with family.  Troy loved having his big cousins to play with and Gramma's butter tarts to inhale...good times!!

Troy "needed" to help Kyle open his present
Papa got a hand warmer
These gifts are a handful!
Playing the game of Life with the big kids
Troy was "go-pro"ing - can't wait to see the footage - or should i say knee-age :)
Helping Papa and Jude build a lego spaceship
Gramma's butter tarts are awesome!!
What do you mean they aren't a one-bite dessert?
Auntie C and Mommy hosted Gingerbreadapalooza again - this year it was birdhouses
Here is Mommy's "Hunting Lodge"
Auntie C's colourful creation
Troy in Gramma's pantry (still a favorite place for him)
...he is now taller than the second window!
This is Troy last Christmas :)
Making a "windmill" with Auntie C
Sammy is coming to lick me...isn't she???

Note: there was not much snow...but Papa had an inflatable sled
which was perfect for gliding across the surface of the snow (and ice).  
Santa came!!!
a Puppy!!
It is Daddy!!
Gramma and Papa gave me a school bus even has lights!
Christmas morning
Playing with my new toys
Daddy and Troy playing the "marble" game

Oh my gosh...Christmas is FUN!!!!

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