Sunday 28 December 2014


When we were driving home from Taber, we asked Troy if he thought Santa had left him a present at his house.  He replied "Yes"...a "big present".  He was right!  Waiting for him at home was a train set.  He was thrilled!  He really enjoys driving the train around the track and having a few "derailments".  Speaking of derailments - Daddy has left for Banff yesterday morning to help with the clean up of the CP Train derailment there.  They are pumping out the spill and trucking it to Balzac (a five-hour round-trip) so he is spending a lot of time driving.  We hope he will be home tomorrow.

WOW...Santa brought me a train set!!!
Driving over the bridge
Look...there is even a hospital
Let's try out my race car on the track
Here are some pics of the Train derailment in Banff where Daddy is working

Fa la la la la la...

We have returned from the Gulley where we spent Christmas.  We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with family.  Troy loved having his big cousins to play with and Gramma's butter tarts to inhale...good times!!

Troy "needed" to help Kyle open his present
Papa got a hand warmer
These gifts are a handful!
Playing the game of Life with the big kids
Troy was "go-pro"ing - can't wait to see the footage - or should i say knee-age :)
Helping Papa and Jude build a lego spaceship
Gramma's butter tarts are awesome!!
What do you mean they aren't a one-bite dessert?
Auntie C and Mommy hosted Gingerbreadapalooza again - this year it was birdhouses
Here is Mommy's "Hunting Lodge"
Auntie C's colourful creation
Troy in Gramma's pantry (still a favorite place for him)
...he is now taller than the second window!
This is Troy last Christmas :)
Making a "windmill" with Auntie C
Sammy is coming to lick me...isn't she???

Note: there was not much snow...but Papa had an inflatable sled
which was perfect for gliding across the surface of the snow (and ice).  
Santa came!!!
a Puppy!!
It is Daddy!!
Gramma and Papa gave me a school bus even has lights!
Christmas morning
Playing with my new toys
Daddy and Troy playing the "marble" game

Oh my gosh...Christmas is FUN!!!!

Thursday 18 December 2014

A Walk in the Park

Today was a great day for a walk in the park - Fish Creek Park, that is (which is located just a short stroll from our house).  Troy enjoyed getting out of the stroller and walking with us - and also taking the stroller for a walk!  However, by the end he was happy to jump back in the buggy for a ride home :)

These boots were made for walking

Check out Troy "exploring"...

Mommy and Me

Don't I look just like Daddy??

Time to give the stroller a push...

In the Cards

By now everyone should have received their Christmas Cards in the mail, so I can post these pics.  For all of you who have been asking...was it really snowing? - or did you photoshop that's the WAS snowing!!!  The only photoshopping that I did was removing the snow from our faces :)  I also thought I should include the "winners" (it was a two-way tie) in the annual Troy photo shoot.  I really couldn't pick between the two, so I printed off copies of both. really was snowing (and blowing)
The "one" for the cards.
No, we didn't plan for the snow - but it sure helped set the scene
Troy giving up a smile 
Troy "trouble" Bakker

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Finger Painting

Troy is getting very good at "Troy Hands".  That is what we call it when Mommy paints his hands,  presses it on paper and then turns them into something "seasonal".  For Christmas we chose snowmen.  It might be the only snow we see for a while.  The chinook has blown in...and all the snow is melting!!

Troy painting a "blizzard"
Is it time to paint my hands??
Troy "fingers" turned into snowmen
more Snowman Fingers!

The Reason for the Season

I have set out the nativity scene this year.  I purposely put it in a spot where Troy is able to see it (and touch it).  I am teaching him about baby Jesus and the Christmas story.  Not sure how much he understands - but he seems to enjoy playing cars with baby Jesus :)  I consider it a start !

Here can drive the truck
Playing nativity cars
Remember...home is where you park it...even in a manger

Thursday 4 December 2014


The weather has warmed up enough to get outside...finally!!!!  It is no secret that Troy enjoys the outdoors.  (We have been spending our days indoors doing a lot of "dancing" and "run around time".)  So you can imagine how happy we BOTH were that we could get out to the park again.  The bonus...Troy had a new sled to try out...for the first time!  Here is Troy doing his "Snowboogie" :)

Troy's new sled
Watch him in action...

C'mon Mommy...and bring the sled!!

Naughty or Nice?'s that time of year again.  Time to get an annual photo of Troy to send with Christmas cards and to update Gramma's "grandkid" wall :)   So, that meant getting a haircut...the dreaded haircut.  Surprisingly, Troy sat by himself (not requiring me to put him in a death grip) and allowed his hair to be cut...PHEW!!!!   The next hurdle was getting Troy to sit for any length of time and to give me a nice expression...unlike these naughty ones:

(note:  I did get some nice ones your mailbox:)

Too much cheese
Are we done yet?
WHAT?!  Santa is watching???