Tuesday 29 April 2014

Alberta Bound

We made it!  We arrived safely in Alberta on Sunday afternoon.  We left Vancouver Island on a very sunny day and hoped it would follow us (which it did for the most part).  Troy travelled well.  He would nap and then wake up yelling "SNAAAAAACK".  We are now staying with Auntie C and Jude.  The house is filled with laughter (and lots of our stuff) and we are so happy to be here.
Troy doing his peacock impersonation (note: peacock above their heads)
We had visited the Beacon Hill petting zoo before we left Victoria. (that is why it is so lush and green)
Troy and Daddy enjoying the pool at the hotel
Troy snacking (again)
I think it's time for me and my monster pillow to nap
lil monster all passed out
Are we there yet??

Sunday 20 April 2014

Easter Treats

The Easter Bunny stopped by with treats.  He left a trail of chocolate eggs for Troy to follow.  Troy wasn't quite sure what to make of it...but once he saw the basket full of chocolate he quickly figured it out!
Who dropped this trail of eggies...and where do they go?
Hey...they lead to a basket full of treats!!
And some bubbles, too!
Wow, that Easter Bunny sure knows what I like
Maybe I should try some?
Yeah...that's good chocolate
More eggies hiding in my basket
Now it's time to "get cracking" on those coloured eggs we made

Saturday 19 April 2014


It was Easter Egg colouring day!!  Remember last year?  This year, Daddy was home to be subjected to...er...I mean enjoy it with us :)  We are proud to report there was only one egg casualty. (I also tried something new this year...I baked my eggs!!  Yup...here's how)

What are we doing with these eggs, Daddy?
Mommy didn't even let me touch them last year!
All eleven (poor number 12) coloured eggs
Inspector Bunny Troy
I do believe these are some fine coloured eggs
Proud Bunny
I think this one is my favourite
No, wait, I think this one is my favourite
Eggcellent choice

Thursday 17 April 2014

On the Green

Troy was practicing golf with his new putter.  As you can see the Greenskeeper hasn't really been keeping up with the back nine :)  Oh well, that way you don't notice all the divots that Troy leaves behind.  FORE!

I can use my hair to detect the direction of the wind
Okay...now where is the hole, again?
I think I hit the rough!

After Golf, Troy decided to try some tree climbing...

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Ear-ing up for Easter!

I couldn't resist these bunny ears at the store. However, Troy had a much easier time resisting them!!  Although a few chocolate easter eggs seemed to keep them on...if only momentarily :)

Hey...what's up with the ears and the basket...is it time for Easter??
Are you hiding chocolate on me, Mommy??
More chocolate pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease 
Bunny cheeks
Somebunny's had enough
Better make sure my basket is ready for the Easter Bunny

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Moving forward...

Well, the house is finally up for sale.  The listing is here.  Now we just have to keep it clean and find exciting new things to do while the house is being shown :)

Troy continues to inspect the trees and plants (with a whack of his stick), always checks to see if there is mail (yes he gets up on the bench completely on his own) and is learning to be "gentle" with the flowers.  He calls the tulips "lips".

Whacka whacka
Mommy, we've got mail!
Look at the LIPS, Mommy

Saturday 5 April 2014


Oma came to visit us...and she brought presents!!  The last time Oma came to see us she taught Troy the word "canoe".  Oma put extra emphasis on clearly saying CAAAA-NOOOOOE...so now that is how Troy says it (with emphasis)!  Troy was thrilled with his new canoe - and the chance to get lots of Oma cuddles.  Thank you Oma.

Oma...is this my very own canoe??
Here's "Tonto"
Look...it's a Canoooooooooe
Paddle, paddle, paddle...
Let's try my Canoe in the tubby!!
Look Oma...I'm canoeing!

Friday 4 April 2014


Here's a little video of Troy whacking the bushes...

Bloomin' Crazy

Today is a beautiful, sunny Spring day.  The flowers and trees are just popping with blooms.  This morning on our walk, Troy and I noticed that our favorite blooming tree was in full glory.  It sure made it harder to think that we will leaving this lush climate in a month and moving to Alberta (where things will be brown and dusty).  However, we just decided to enjoy it while we can...and maybe we can hitch this lovely weather to our wagon when we head East :)

Majestic tree in bloom
Mommy, did you remember to put the brake on?
Pretty in pink
Yay...we're in the backyard!
Mommy...I'm really going to miss this yard...and my WILLOW TREE
Oh, Willow Tree....
How I love thee....
Won't you come with me?
WHAT?! We can't pack the tree??
How about these daffodils?
Or these blue flowers?
Or the tulips?
Let's take it all,  Mommy!
WHAT?!  We can't take ANY of it?
What's up with that?

I'd better go pack some sticks