Saturday 14 December 2013

Christmas with Oma

Today we went to visit Oma.  Since we will be flying to Alberta for Christmas, we celebrated the holidays early with her.  Troy thoroughly enjoys his time with Oma.  Of course there was a chance to hear the clock bong, giggles on the rocking chair, yummy dutch sweets and crawling up the stairs to discover Oma's fun studio!

Hickory Dickory Dock
Oma gave me some traditional Dutch candies...YUMMMM
Checking out Oma's garden
You mean there is more to see upstairs???
Oma has so much great art stuff!
I showed her my "unique flair" for colouring
And Oma showed me how she draws
Artist in residence
All that artistry worked up a hunger...for Oma's dutch soup :)

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