Monday 16 December 2013

Happy Holidays

It's time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Troy and I will be flying out to Alberta on Wednesday and then Daddy joins us on Christmas Eve.  We all return home on January 4th.  We will be sure to post all the pics from our Christmas at the Gulley.  Can't wait to see the snow...but hoping that the temperature doesn't dip too low?!  Oh's always warm inside...where all of Gramma's yummy baking is!!!

Happy Holidays everyone...see you in the New Year!!

Saturday 14 December 2013

Christmas with Oma

Today we went to visit Oma.  Since we will be flying to Alberta for Christmas, we celebrated the holidays early with her.  Troy thoroughly enjoys his time with Oma.  Of course there was a chance to hear the clock bong, giggles on the rocking chair, yummy dutch sweets and crawling up the stairs to discover Oma's fun studio!

Hickory Dickory Dock
Oma gave me some traditional Dutch candies...YUMMMM
Checking out Oma's garden
You mean there is more to see upstairs???
Oma has so much great art stuff!
I showed her my "unique flair" for colouring
And Oma showed me how she draws
Artist in residence
All that artistry worked up a hunger...for Oma's dutch soup :)

Friday 13 December 2013

South Paw

We have started to notice that Troy is using his left hand quite dominantly.  We think he might be left-handed.  In doing some quick "googling" about left-handed'ness...I found this interesting fact:  A mother over 40 years old is 130% more likely to have a left handed baby than a mother in her 20s. Looks like we may have to buy those special scissors :)

Just doing some colouring (notice crayon in left hand)
Also notice the right-hand must also be "positioned" just so
Colouring really requires both hands
And much concentration
Unless there is something good on TV
This is orange!
Just call me Lefty

Wednesday 11 December 2013


Happy "half" Birthday to Me...Happy "half" Birthday to Me.  (Don't worry Mommy didn't attempt another cake).

Yes, I am officially 18 months old today.  I just had my immunization shot (I didn't even cry...but probably because I was too busy watching Daddy blow bubbles)...and I weigh 27 lbs and measure 33 inches tall.

I still enjoy the outdoors...there are just SO many sticks to play with out there!!  I am also finding out how much fun other kids are.  And, I'm almost ready to give up my morning nap...ALMOST.  I usually fall asleep on the way home from playgroup or shopping (or whatever distraction activity Mommy has planned).   Don't worry, Mommy manages to wake me up to get some lunch into me...before putting me down for my afternoon nap :)

More sticks Mommy...more sticks!
This is my neighbour, Jake - he is only 10 months old.  I know, I look GIGANTIC next to him.  But, hey...I 'm pretty sure I'll get to pick which ball I want to play with :)
Asleep on the walk home
I'll eat lunch tomorrow Mommy...just let me sleeeeeeeeeep

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Look Who's Talking...

Troy is talking more and more each day.  He is always surprising us with new words, and even putting some words together (like..."me try"...and "come get").  We also realize how much he is listening to us when we hear him repeating what we say!!  I found the most interesting video on my phone.  Clearly Troy found my phone at some point today...have a listen (there are no images...just turn up your volume to hear what he had to say)...

Oh Nooooo...Mommy found out I had her phone...Shoot!!

Toothy Grins

Troy has now sprouted all his baby teeth (save for the second set of molars that are due sometime around his second birthday).  He loves to show them off with his big smile...

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Happier (sort of)

Troy's mood seems to be improving...that is, until Mommy wants to take some "nice" pictures of him for Christmas gifts.  SIGH...this was much easier last year when he I could plunk him anywhere (and he couldn't move) and elicit smiles with a simple wave of my hand.  This year...not so much. want to take my picture again?
Didn't I tell you....I'm shy?'s a cheesy smile! (look at all my new teeth!)
Let's sing Christmas Carols instead...Fa la la la la la
Oh, Mr. Policeman...can you save me?

Monday 2 December 2013

Bug Bear

I can't lie...Troy has been a bug bear for the last few days.  He refuses to nap and then is miserable.  I am hoping it is the last of his teeth coming through - in hopes that it will end soon.  

Bug Bear shoes (or socks)
It's okay...this bug bear has hot paws
What?!  You think I need a nap?
Do these eyes look sleepy to you?