Friday 1 November 2013

Trick or Treat

Troy really enjoyed being a monster.  In fact, he wore his costume all day...and then woke up this morning wanting to wear it again!  He is currently napping with the monster costume still on.  Hope he doesn't expect treats every time he wears it (life lessons are so hard, aren't they?)

Daddy are we going Trick or Treating?
Just as soon as Mommy takes more pictures!
C'mon already...there's candy calling!! (and the bag that Gramma sewed for me needs filling)
Okay, more picture with Mommy
FINALLY!!  I'm off to Auntie Aysha's house!
Hugs first...
Then CANDY!!
Sure is dark out here, Daddy
But, I'm with I'm not scared
Trick or Treat!!!
It's Penny and Sam's house
Auntie's my treat bag!!
Oh right...hugs first!!
My costume needed some jazzing up
I think the chocolate is wearing off?
I am a veteran trick or treater now
Popcorn favorite!
What?  I have to take my costume off now? looks so good on me? 
See...I can totally work it!
Don't worry Monster...I won't let you go
Besides, my butt looks so good in these pants
Okay...I think I'm giving in
Tubby Time!!!!!!!
Skipping to the tubby
What??? I have to take my socks off too?
Checking for monsters
Monster in the morning

I am never taking this costume off

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