Monday 11 November 2013

Freedom Firsts

Today is Remembrance Day.  A day to remember and honour all those brave men and women who fought (and continue to fight) for our freedom.  Thank you!!  We celebrated our freedom with a trip to the playground (for Troy's first slide) and to McDonald's (for Troy's first french fry).  A day we will be sure to remember.

Daddy...are you sure about this?
Here I GO!!!
WHEEE...that was fun
Can we do it again? 
Playgrounds are exciting
What's over here Daddy?
I found a dandelion!
I love blowing on them
I am supposed to blow on them, right?
I thing they're stuck?!
There's leaves here too!
HEY....I see a BIGGER slide...let's go! looks even bigger from up here!
I can't bear to look!
Hey...Mommy...I did it...I slid the big slide! 
Daddy...are you coming down now?
Do you need me to hold your hand?
Best day...ever!
Can I blow on one more dandelion before we go?
This is my first McDonald's french fry've been talking about these fries the whole time we were on the playground
Hmmmmm....I see what you mean Daddy...they are salty and delicious
You will be the first of new french fry friend

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