Sunday 24 November 2013

Sunny Sunday

The nights have been clear (and cold) which makes for sunny mornings!  This morning was no exception.  Troy is usually up before the sun rises (sigh) by the time the sun is shining he is playing hard.  Today he enjoyed some Duplo building with Daddy and then pulled out the lawnmower do some (very noisy) mowing :)

This is a goat, Daddy.
There's a horse too.
Do horses and goats like each other?
We'll build them a barn.
Who is this?
Hey, it's the farmer. 
He goes right here.
Wait, one more piece
Ta-da!!  It's a masterpiece.
In case you were wondering if my hair still sticks up...YES!
Morning sunshine
So much floor to mow 
Even the squirrels were out enjoying the sun (and the apples)

Thursday 21 November 2013

Happy Birthday Gramma Annie!

Gramma Annie's birthday is on Saturday.  Not only will she be celebrating another year of life...but also the success of her recent knee operation!  Gramma tells us that she is recovering well and she looks forward to chasing Troy around the kitchen at Christmas.

Gramma has also been busy sewing more fun stuff for Troy's "big boy bed".  He loves his "MONS" (that is Troy's word for Monsters) and his coordinating football :)

Troy is also enjoying Gramma Annie's highchair.  Yes, the very same one that Gramma used when she was a little girl.  He likes to be as tall as Mommy and Daddy when he sits at the kitchen island.

Mommy also did a bit of shopping for Troy with some early-Christmas money from Gramma and Papa.  He loves his new winter boots...which he plans to use for running around in all that snow that Gramma and Papa have!

Thank you Gramma for all the wonderful gifts.  We love you and wish you a VERY happy birthday. XOXOXO

Me and my big boy bed 
Gramma sewed me all this cool stuff!!
Riding high with my new boots
Is it snack time??
Gramma's high chair makes a great "bar stool" for Troy

Mommy...let's take these boots OUTSIDE!!!
Gramma...will you save me some birthday cake?
Gramma...the plant you gave Mommy is blooming (and I've only picked off a few)
Sleeping Monster

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Warm and Fuzzy

Today was a bright, crisp day...perfect for playing in the backyard and then warming up by the fire inside the house.  

I picked ANOTHER fig for you Mommy
Crunching through the needles
A pinecone on a stick!
Can I keep it?
This way Mommy...this way...
My cheeks say it is time to go inside
This laundry basket could make a good lounge chair
Hmmm...a chair, maybe...but not nearly loungey enough
Maybe if I turn it the other way?
Noooooo...even less loungey 
Oh well...Mommy needs to get the laundry now anyway

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Potty time

We started introducing Troy to the potty.  We have already celebrated one #2 in the potty (undoubtedly a complete coincidence...but we celebrated it regardless!) and only one "accident" (thank goodness for hardwood floors!).

What?  I was feeling chilly
I think I feel a breeze?
Gratuitous butt shot
Do I get my treat now?
Stepping up in the world

Monday 11 November 2013

Freedom Firsts

Today is Remembrance Day.  A day to remember and honour all those brave men and women who fought (and continue to fight) for our freedom.  Thank you!!  We celebrated our freedom with a trip to the playground (for Troy's first slide) and to McDonald's (for Troy's first french fry).  A day we will be sure to remember.

Daddy...are you sure about this?
Here I GO!!!
WHEEE...that was fun
Can we do it again? 
Playgrounds are exciting
What's over here Daddy?
I found a dandelion!
I love blowing on them
I am supposed to blow on them, right?
I thing they're stuck?!
There's leaves here too!
HEY....I see a BIGGER slide...let's go! looks even bigger from up here!
I can't bear to look!
Hey...Mommy...I did it...I slid the big slide! 
Daddy...are you coming down now?
Do you need me to hold your hand?
Best day...ever!
Can I blow on one more dandelion before we go?
This is my first McDonald's french fry've been talking about these fries the whole time we were on the playground
Hmmmmm....I see what you mean Daddy...they are salty and delicious
You will be the first of new french fry friend