Friday 19 April 2013

Cage match

Along with Troy's increasing mobility...comes the need to "contain" him.  I (naively) thought that making the sunroom child-proof would suffice.  Well, clearly I don't think like a 10-month CURIOUS kid who seems to enjoy licking the patio door track (SOOOO YUCKY) and tearing at the screens on the windows (which are too conveniently placed at the floor level).

So, I am stepping up the containment.  There is now a lovely gate across the doorway.  I have rigged up various other (temporary) arrangements to discourage window and door licking.  Fingers are crossed.

Wouldn't you trust this sweet face?

C'mon mommy....I promise not to lick the windows (again!)

Hmm....don't think she's falling for it (again!)

Okay...time to make a crawl for it

Heeeeeeeere I come....

Hey...what's with the barriers?

She's taking this seriously

I'll see if my Jack Nicholson impression will work

Anyone out there?  Hellllllllllllllllp me, I'm being held captive

I might just have to play with all these toys???

falling for the sweetness yet?

Oh wait...I haven't tried pulling the threads from the bottom of the couch

Hey...what's with this gate thing?

I will have this thing down in a second

Hmmm...I might have to devise a plan...

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