Tuesday 30 April 2013

Let the Playoffs begin!

The NHL playoffs begin today, and the Canucks have made it to the first-round.  It was time to break out the Canucks jersey that Uncle Lorne and Auntie Betsy gave Troy.

lil Canuck
Can I stay up to watch the games??

We're not sure if Daddy will help us cheer on the Canucks.  He is an Oilers fan.  The Oilers did not make the playoffs.  In fact, their chances of getting in faded as long ago as these pictures of Troy were taken :)

What??  The Oilers didn't make the playoffs...again?!

Oh well, I still look fabulous

Monday 29 April 2013


Troy continues to enjoy his jolly jumper.  His expressions are as endless as his moves.  He jumps with such force and exuberance...that he creates his own G-Force!  It is so funny to see his cheeks pull down as he gets ready to launch.

Strapped in
Ready for lift off

Grip 'n' Grin
What a tall kid!
Hangin' out
The power of gravity on chubby cheeks...say hello to 80 year old Troy!

Standing Room Only

Troy has reached a new milestone...standing up in his crib.  He can now pull himself up, but is not too sure how to get himself down again.  It seems his crib gets smaller and smaller everyday.  I guess I am going to have to accept that he is getting bigger and bigger!  At least Troy doesn't have to share his crib with three other siblings like our robin family.  The little robins are growing even faster than Troy!  (and they now have more feathers...phew!)

Hi Mommy...
I'm totally unsure of this...but loving it!
I will use my power of concentration
Maybe sticking out my tongue will help?
The snuggly robins in their crib

Monday 22 April 2013

Feeding time

There were lots of hungry babies here this morning.  Must be nice just to open your mouth wide, cry, and food appears!  (At least I didn't have to hunt for Troy's food and then chew it first)

Two of the four (I have seen four beaks) baby robins looking hungry
Troy doing his baby birdie impression

Sunday 21 April 2013


Troy has always loved tubby time (nicknamed Tubbles around here).  Now that he can sit up and play - after the obligatory washing up part is done - he enjoys it even more!  It is part of our evening routine.  Troy gets a bath (usually at 7 pm) and then he's in his sleep sack and soon to bed.  Here are a few pics (okay, so a lot of pics, I had hard time narrowing them down) of a recent bath time photo shoot:

Tubby Time!!
Are my bits covered?
Big, brown eyes and front teeth 
I'm going to splash you, mommy!
Squeaky clean
or just squeaky?!
Okay...I'm ready for bed now (phew!)

Friday 19 April 2013

Cage match

Along with Troy's increasing mobility...comes the need to "contain" him.  I (naively) thought that making the sunroom child-proof would suffice.  Well, clearly I don't think like a 10-month CURIOUS kid who seems to enjoy licking the patio door track (SOOOO YUCKY) and tearing at the screens on the windows (which are too conveniently placed at the floor level).

So, I am stepping up the containment.  There is now a lovely gate across the doorway.  I have rigged up various other (temporary) arrangements to discourage window and door licking.  Fingers are crossed.

Wouldn't you trust this sweet face?

C'mon mommy....I promise not to lick the windows (again!)

Hmm....don't think she's falling for it (again!)

Okay...time to make a crawl for it

Heeeeeeeere I come....

Hey...what's with the barriers?

She's taking this seriously

I'll see if my Jack Nicholson impression will work

Anyone out there?  Hellllllllllllllllp me, I'm being held captive

I might just have to play with all these toys???

falling for the sweetness yet?

Oh wait...I haven't tried pulling the threads from the bottom of the couch

Hey...what's with this gate thing?

I will have this thing down in a second

Hmmm...I might have to devise a plan...

Birth Announcement

The baby robins are hatching!!  Even though I promised Gramma Annie I wouldn't post any baby bird photos before they get their feathers...I just couldn't resist.  (Yes, they are certainly at a stage that only a mother could love.)

Welcome to the world lil' birdies!  (Let's hope the neighbourhood cat doesn't read the blog)

brand new birdies

Monday 15 April 2013

Tuning in

Oma gave Troy the little piano that his Daddy used to play with when he was a little boy.  Apparently, Simon loved to dance on the piano while in the jolly jumper.  So, we decided to see if Troy shares his dad's "musicality".  We'll let you decide.  (Note: be prepared to turn your sound down!)


Troy has finally mastered the "squish and grip" technique to feed himself.  Some foods are easier than others (and some do not hold up to the squishing!).  Here is Troy eating sweet potato pancake and cheese...

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Wild life

For all of those who have been wondering (ok, just patronize me!)...the mommy robin is dutifully sitting on her eggs (and she even puts up with Troy knocking on the window while waving at her).   There was also a deer in the backyard...which makes me think that the tulips must be blooming soon!

And I have my own wild animal in the house.  Troy is cutting ANOTHER tooth...so we are both feeling the pain :(

Deer in the backyard
Troy's pajamas actually read "bad hair day"...but I think just bad covers it
Morning mugs

Tuesday 9 April 2013


As I have mentioned before, Troy does not "do shoes".  He barely tolerates socks.  This can be tricky when the weather isn't exactly barefoot warm...yet!  I have to let the people that stare at his bare feet, on our walks or out shopping, that he did leave the house in socks!!

When Gramma Annie was visiting, we tried on a few different pairs of shoes to determine if we could get any ON...and then, if we could KEEP any of them on.  We found that the Robeez brand seemed to do the trick.  However, they only had very babyish (ie: TACKY) styles in the store.  So, I took a cue from Auntie C and went online!  I found a very cute pair...and they velcro right open (phew).

A very handsome delivery man showed up this morning to deliver them.  I was right in the middle of making sweet potato pancakes (very delish, by the way), steaming apples for applesauce and not AT ALL ready to greet anyone at the door.  So, when I opened the door (with hair standing on end and in pajamas) he apologized for waking me up!!  I think he felt even worse when I told him I had been up for HOURS!

Oh well...the only man I'm trying to impress these days is the one that fits these shoes... :)

Slammin' Sam Robeez

Hey...what are these things on my feet?
Hmmm...can't seem to kick them off??
Hey...I think I can handle these ones Mommy!
You've come a long way, baby!!