Thursday 7 March 2013

Life is a highway...

Daddy bought Troy his first bike today.  I am not sure who was more excited...Troy or Daddy?!  After minutes of assembly (which felt like hours for Troy) the bike was ready for an inaugural ride.  Troy caught on immediately and was cruising the halls in no time.  The bike is equipped with noise (of course) which includes music like "life is a highway" ( I get that one) but "I like to move it, move it" (is a less obvious choice?).  

Life is changing fast for Troy as he gets more mobile...please pray for Mommy's floors and walls :)

assembly required...sheesh!
"helping" daddy
checking the tire pressure
ready to roll....finalllllly
this is the throttle, right daddy?
Daddy says I'm a "natural"
Son of Anarchy (Auntie C will get that one!)
are my lights on?
motor is runnin'!

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