Friday 29 March 2013


Today Troy and I coloured eggs!  Well, Troy watched (for awhile) and then I had to finish them...which is exactly how Daddy usually enjoys Easter egg-dying with me.  (Should have had a girl, I guess?)

Getting everything ready
Eggs are soaking
This is a bit like watching paint dry, mommy
Troy is kept at a "safe" distance - beyond little arm's length...from anything!
The traditional bright colours on white eggs
The same dyes on brown eggs are toned down (and lovely)
Troy much rather play with his "hopcha" bunny from Gramma Annie
Why is the purple dye always so disappointing?? 
Here is a comparison of the same dyes used on white and brown eggs.  The brown eggs make such a nice colour, plus they seem to hide all the imperfections much better!
The traditional basket
The modern bowl

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